Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I am Yoda being Banish from Space

The war had ended and they do not need the wise one Yoda anymore. The higher power had decided to banish me to the earth to learn how human being live. Here I reach earth with tall human beings walking around me. I take form into an animal they like to pamper and keep as pet. They call it DOG. Human beings being lonely creatures keep them for companion and to talk to. I take into their forum but I am a dog which does not know how to bark. Cos I am not a true dog, I am a Yoda taken into the form of a dog to disguise myself on earth. Do hang on as I landed in the house of this lady owner. We shalld see more of what human being will do for their royal companion. This is something which Ailen from space like me would like to learn.